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Camry CR 4909 Fritös 3,0 L

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Dette produkt er blevet bedømt til 1 ud af 5 stjerner.1 3

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Kort om produktet

When you are throwing a big party or planning a dinner for a bigger number of people you can include serving home-made frites, onion rings, chicken nuggets or coated vegetables.Læs mere om produktet
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When you are throwing a big party or planning a dinner for a bigger number of people you can include serving home-made frites, onion rings, chicken nuggets or coated vegetables. The CR4909 deep fryer that has a capacity of 3.0l is perfect when preparing such deep-fried meals or additives for a number of people. Thanks to CR4909 deep fryer you can fry your frites, onion rings, vegetables or meat easily at home: the device is equipped with a filter in the lid and a lit opening button. You will not burn the food thanks to the regulated thermostat. You can drip the surplus of fat thanks to the basked with lifting function that has a folding handle. The device is also easy to clean since it is equipped with a removable oil container.

  • Removable oil container
  • Capacity 3l
  • Filter in the lid
  • Regulated thermostat
  • Basket with a lifting function
  • Removable heater
  • Power 2000W
  • Depth with handle 58cm
  • Depth without handle 45cm
  • Width18Cm
  • Height back: 26,5cm
  • Height front: 18cm


Vægt (inkl. emballage)
100,0 g


Skålvolumen (liter)
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